Tuesday, May 31

Did you know?

I have been telling myself to spread the word about another way to earn money easily and fast by blogging.  But, I got so busy from meeting some schedules so finally, I am doing it now.  Hmm, can you guess what it is?  I know you have heard a lot and probably, you already have been earning more than what I have earned but for those who haven't yet, I hope this helps.  

I started blogging in this site back in 2010.  I wasn't serious though I was happy each time I could receive emails telling that I earned this and that and the update was fast at that time - maybe to promote their site.  I only had few unfinished blogs but they still kept on piling coins for me, so I told myself okay this is sort of my piggy bank because at that time too, I couldn't cash out.  Everytime I would hit the cash out button, it would tell me that I would be able to cash out so many days from 'today.'  I was like waiting for forever until one day, I was able to. So the first amount that matured was $28.49.  I took a screenshot of the check, click here.  So you know where I went, lol :D  

Just last week, I received my 2nd check ($68.36) from them.  

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